Your skin speaks to you every day.... Can you listen to it?

The story of Donatella Colangelo: at 16 years old a viral acne on her face changes her life. Not finding a solution... she decides to invent it, studying 100% natural and 100% effective remedies. This is how Seticrei was born.

Published on 14 July 2021 - Video transcript.

Hello everyone!

I am Donatella Colangelo of Seticrei and with great pleasure I welcome you to the new Youtube channel that I decided to create to teach you to listen to your skin. In fact, I called this video: "Do you know that every day our skin speaks to us? But are we sure we know how to listen to it? And above all: are we sure we are giving it what it asks of us?"

This ability to listen to her and give her what she asks of us every day will come to you through a greater awareness of the organ "skin". Did you know that the skin is the largest organ we have of the entire body?

And I'm going to devote an entire episode of this channel to tell you what extraordinary thing the skin does for us.

You may be wondering why and I decided to create a YouTube channel to teach you how to listen to what our skin is telling us.

Before I answer that question I want you to look at the picture that will now appear in the bottom right corner: do you know whose picture this is?

It's mine and it represents on the left side my skin at the age of 16 and on the right side my skin now at 43.

It all stems from there: at the age of 16 I trigger terrible viral acne to the skin on my face.

As you can see it's a monster (believe me!) and that for anyone who suffers from acne or has suffered from acne knows how humiliating it is to be taunted by friends and classmates, to stay indoors out of fear to meet the disgusted eyes of people watching you.

The terrible thing is that this has lasted almost ten years.

In those ten years I've been on a real pilgrimage - that's what he calls it!

I've experimented with anything and everything: I've bought so many cosmetic products that were recommended as propaedeuticals for my problem and often found myself with worse skin than before.

In all these years I have never met anyone who has explained to me why my skin worsened with the use of certain cosmetic products - and so first out of necessity and then out of passion I began in a self-teaching way to analyze this indecipherable language called INCI. The INCI is the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients, and that is the list of all ingredients contained within a cosmetic product.

Believe me that starting to analyze it opened up a world to me that allowed me to meet my first prince charming.

Well yes: the encounter with one hundred percent pure snail slime was extraordinary, as one hundred percent pure snail slime was the first natural ingredient that gave me important epidermal results.

What I would like to do today through this channel is to share with you all the experience I have gained over the years to teach you to listen to your skin, because this is the only way to find the beauty routine tailored to you.

Stay tuned for the next episode bye to all!

Dermatite virale

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