Seticrei - Natural cosmetics - Special "Eye products"

[Video Transcript]

Today I talk to you about dark circles and bags, and how to counteract them.

First of all, I'd like to make a very important premise: often when we find ourselves dealing with bags we have to question our lifestyle a bit.

Chinese medicine tells us that our face maps the inside of our body, specifically the area of dark circles maps our kidneys.

So, sometimes when we are dealing with very significant bags we have to ask ourselves the question: am I drinking enough water throughout the day?

Our bodies are much smarter than we give them credit for. And the moment we don't introduce the right amount of hydration through water, what does it do? It does what cacti do: that is, what little water it has inside the body, it traps it, because it has to survive.

That's why we often find ourselves having this blemish that we don't like so much.

But we must question ourselves, precisely, on our lifestyle.

Just as when we have very deep dark circles under our eyes, we need to figure out if we had them when we were ten years old too - and so it means it's part of our genetics -, how many hours we sleep (if we have a quiet sleep or if our sleep is restless anyway)...

This I say to make you understand that not always an imperfection we see on our face we have to start treating it starting from the outside - but, some times, we have to go deeper.

As for the aids we can give from the epidermal point of view Seticrei has created three products: why three products?

The first born in Seticrei's house is this eye contour nectar. It is an eye contour that contains escin liposome.

The liposome is a very light molecular structure that penetrates very quickly - since our eye area has very thin skin, so it penetrates very quickly. And escin is a substance - think - that our ancestors used to treat hemorrhoids.

It's what might be called today the "Preparation H" of our ancestors.

So where there is stagnation, which can be of blood rather than liquid, it goes to drain, and inside is just contained this substance.

Also, this product has a further peculiarity: it has a steel ball. So: when we put it on the orbicular area we feel cold (because obviously the steel ball is cold) and the clockwise massage that we are going to do first on one eye and then on the other makes the product penetrate faster.

So this product was created to drain the bags par excellence.

Subsequently, these two products were born: a dark circles brightening serum and an eye mask.

These two products have a triple function and that is: they drain puffiness, lighten dark circles and lift wrinkles.

Thanks to which active ingredients?

Acherola and Hassaku.

I don't know if you've ever heard of this citrus fruit: it's a Japanese citrus fruit with important lightening power, and we used this particular active inside the dark circles lightener and the eye mask. You know that Seticrei is always looking for actives that others don't use - but that give an important epidermal result.

As the word itself says, it is a mask. It's a mask like a zorro mask. So: one afternoon or evening, where I can devote two hours to myself, I take this gauze that is already soaked in a large amount of serum... I am going to place this gauze over the entire eye area - so this gauze will affect not only the area of bags and dark circles, but also the area of the eyelids and also the area of crow's feet. I'm going to adhere it in a major way, leave it on until it's perfectly dry. When I take it off I have a bright, lifted and very very lightened look.

Inside this brush there will be a large amount of serum left over that I'm going to use in the following days as an eye serum.

And this let's say it's the SPA beauty routine to do once in a while (once a month, once a fortnight, when you have a special event): the product to use to have a WOW effect immediately.

Every day we should instead go to use the dark circles lightening serum. How?

You take ONE drop of product - and I say one, but not just to say it: it's really one drop - and you go and tap it into the orbicular area. And so for the other eye, too.

This serum also contains Acerola, it contains Hassaku and it has this triple effect of going to drain, brighten and lift.

Stay tuned to know all the news we have in store for you.

Bye everyone!

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